sábado, 8 de maio de 2010

on the edge

Sometimes life is disapointing, nothing goes as planned and everyhting that could possibly go wrong goes .. This let us down and makes us wanna give up in so many things, we actually think "is it really worth it? will this pain pay off?".
In my life I've been through so many changes, some of them were good and some of them not as much.. How did I get through it? Hanging on to the things that made me happy, that I enjoyed doing and being beside the people that I love, after all life is too short and we have to take and enjoy the best of it. Live life with no regrets and enjoy every minute as it was the last one, is what I say to myself every day, because if there's one thing that I've learned in my sixteen years of living is that nothing lasts forever if the person it's not pure and the feeling it's not real, and if there's one thing that I treasure in my life is friendship.

Throughout this journey I've learned to use correctly the word "friend" beacuse people sometimes are not what they seem to be, and when we less spect it they disapoint us, and when that happens we discover who our true friends are.

I agree that making mistakes it's human, nobody is perfect, but sometimes we're not strong enough to forgive over and over again, maybe we're tired of making fulls of ourselves and there's a time when we have to say I'M DONE and move on. We just live once and honestly life shouldn't be about feeling like crap all the time or depressed, I'm done with that.

Time to change, it's now or never..

1 comentário:

  1. Escreves em inglês? o.õ
    Gostei muito do texto ^^
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    È só isto ^^
